November 18, 2013



This past May, I was commissioned to do a painting for Robert and Courtney Frazee. Courtney wanted to surprise Robert with a gift, as he was launching into a new business with his father. Many times I have driven past one of these irrigation systems and have always wanted to paint one. I felt this would capture the faith and hard work of a business start up. The painting's title is based on 
1 Corinthians 3:6 "I (Paul) planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase". Whether in finance, vocational ministry, motherhood, or farming, we are called to be faithful planters and waterers. After doing that, we must rely on God to provide the increase. Sometimes the increase does not come, other times it comes in immeasurable amounts . Nevertheless, we are called to be faithful in our planting and watering. My prayer for The Frazee's is for faithfulness in the planting and watering. I also pray this painting will serve as a reminder of that call. May God provide the increase.

This painting is approx 30x40 and painted with acrylic. The desire was to capture a morning scene in mid summer. The irrigation system has a silhouette feel to it and the green areas on the ground represent new growth. One great outcome of this was that the road and barns in the background, reminded Robert of times growing up when he and his father would go hunting. I did not intend to capture that, but was something unique that God built into the painting for Robert. Thank you Frazee's for the opportunity to paint this!

April 2, 2013

Seeking Shalom

Shalom is a word often translated as "peace" in the Bible. It carries a deeper meaning though. More accurately it carries a meaning of things being made as they should be. A meaning of being made right. Isn't that what Easter is about? On a spiritual realm, things were made right? We cant always articulate Shalom, but we know least glimpses of it. We see it in our kids hearts, in our spouse and community. We see it partially every Sunday at church. In certain moments and in people, we see a reflection of a coming day where every second will be perfect. This is what the Resurrection points us to. It provides hope and certainty that all will be made as it should be. A final, eternal shalom.

I recently painted this for the Geer family (pictured below). It is called "Seeking Shalom". It tethered me to the LORD deeper during this season of reflection on the resurrection. I am thankful to be a part of this special piece for their family.


                                                              "Seeking Shalom"

March 18, 2013

"Rising Light"

This painting was done in the fall of 2012 for some dear friends (Ben and Aimee Parkinson). The Parkinson's recently moved to Little Rock and this was a gift from our church. We are so blessed by their friendship and time in Memphis.

The genesis of this painting began years ago with both of our families moving into the Binghampton neighborhood. The wood this is painted on is reclaimed wood found in Binghampton. The Title "Rising Light" comes from a verse in Isaiah 58:10 "if you pour out yourself for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted. then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday."

This passage in Isaiah 58 depicts the nation of Israel going through the motions of ritualistic fasting, but are far from pleasing God's heart with their actions. God then answers with what is pleasing to him... a true fast. The promises for shedding ritualistic fasting/worship and embracing true worship and fasting is laced throughout this passage.

The Parkinson's have been friends who have always embodied this pure heart towards loving the least of these. They have truly poured themselves out here in Memphis and in the Binghampton community. My prayer for them as I painted this was for their light to rise and be evident to all who experienced them here and for those who will meet them in Little Rock.

The colors were selected to 1) match Aimee's dinning room and 2) to portray an early morning sunrise breaking through to highlight a church. Hope you all enjoy this as we look to worship God not just in words but with pure deeds during this lenten season.